Regional data

Businesses by year of establishment

Year Amount
2019 1245
2020 1169
2021 1218
2022 1056
2023 996
2024 792

Businesses by location

Locality Amount Amount %
Eura 1273 5.67
Eurajoki 896 3.99
Harjavalta 597 2.66
Huittinen 1440 6.42
Jämijärvi 167 0.74
Kankaanpää 1290 5.75
Karvia 380 1.69
Kokemäki 846 3.77
Merikarvia 391 1.74
Nakkila 543 2.42
Pomarkku 276 1.23
Pori 8720 38.86
Rauma 3349 14.92
Siikainen 127 0.57
Säkylä 778 3.47
Ulvila 1368 6.10

Businesses by turnover

Turnover Amount Amount %
No information 2341 13.81
B 1 - 199 k€ 10892 64.24
C 200 - 399 k€ 976 5.76
D 400 - 999 k€ 942 5.56
E 1 - 2 M€ 462 2.72
F 2 - 10 M€ 590 3.48
G 10 - 20 M€ 145 0.86
H 20 M€ - 608 3.59

Businesses by number of staff

Number of employees Amount Amount %
Ingen uppgift 3607 21.33
B 0 - 4 11532 68.18
C 5 - 9 779 4.61
D 10 - 19 538 3.18
E 20 - 49 283 1.67
F 50 - 99 96 0.57
G 100 - 249 42 0.25
H 250 - 499 23 0.14
I 500 - 999 9 0.05
J 1 000 - 3 0.02
J 1000 - 1 0.01